Dr Oyedotun M. Oyeleke
January 11, 2022 2022-01-11 17:52Dr Oyedotun M. Oyeleke

HOD Department of Chemical Sciences
Dr. Oyedotun M. Oyeleke
PhD. (Biochemsitry & Nutrition)
Chemical Sciences
Dr. Oyedotun Oyeleke bagged a PhD degree in Biochemistry and Nutrition from the University of Ibadan in 1979. His scientific experience includes basic organic solvent extraction techniques, handling of experimental animals, enzymes kinetic assays, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), microscopy, histology, electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, etc.
His research focus includes nutraceuticals, nutritional biochemistry, phytomedicine, and toxicology. Dr Oyeleke belongs to a number of Professional Societies such as Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Nig Institute of Food Science & Technology, Nigerian Institute of Management, African Nutrition Congress, and so on.
He has also received awards and honours in recognition of his efforts, distinguished services, and contributions to his career and associated organizations. He has published more than 35 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters.
Research Interest
Nutritional Biochemistry
Teaching Areas
- Biochemistry
- Food & Nutrition
- Pharmacology
Conferences & Workshops Attended
- Nutrition and Human Health relationships, Lagos 1980
- Management Appreciation Course, Nig Institute of Management, Lagos, 1980
- Business Management & Marketing of Nutritional & Health Products, The Seychelles, Mahe Beach , 1981
- Computer Operation and Business Management.United Kingdom 1983
- Professional Business Management Course, Rome, Italy 1983
- Strategic Oral Presentation Course, United Kingdom 1984
- Finance for Non-Accountants, Lagos, 1984
- Nutrition and Diseases Interconnections Conference, Brussels, Belgium 1985
- African Nutrition Congress held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 1986
- Conference for enhanced National Productivity and going beyond theories, organized by College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Osun State University, Osogbo. 15-18th March, 2011
- Pharma – Food Congress held at Federal University of Technology, Akure. July, 2019
- International Conference on Technology Advancement held at The Bells University, Ota, Ogun State. November, 2019
Selected Publications
- Oyeleke O M, Balogun O O, Fetuga, B L, and Babatunde, G M. (1985). Re-evaluation of the influence of dietary protein levels on performance, Nitrogen economy and carcass characteristics of weaner /growing pigs in a humid tropical environment. World Review of of Animal Production, Vol. xxxi No 4, 29-36.
- Oyeleke O M, Balogun O O, Fetuga, B L, and Babatunde, G M. (1987). Equalizing Dietary lysine, tryptophan and methionine at different protein levels in the nutrition of pigs. Effects on growth, nitrogen economy and carcass characteristics. World Review of Animal Production, Vol. xxiii No 2, 15-20.
- Oyeleke O M, Balogun O O, Fetuga, B L and Babatunde, G M. (1988). Influence of dietary protein levels on rate of tissue deposition and individual muscle of growing European pigs in the tropics. J Agric. Sci. Camb. No 110, 377-381.
- Oyeleke M. O. (2014). Influence of feeding Varying Crude Protein and Digestible Energy Levels on the development of Individual Muscles, Rate of Lean and fat deposition in pigs reared from 9 to 60kg live weight in a humid tropical environment. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. Vol. 35 (1) March 2014. 104-112.
- Oyeleke O. M. (2014). Effect of feeding varying dietary crude protein and digestive energy concentration on performance of pigs raised in a humid tropical environment. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production. Volume 41(1): 28-40.
- Oyeleke, O. M. (2014). Effect of feeding varying dietary crude protein and digestive energy levels on nitrogen retention, urinary and blood plasma constituents in pigs fed from 9 to 60 kg. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production. Volume 41 (1): 111-124.
- Oso BJ, Oyeleke O M and Olaniyi S. 2018. Influence of solvent extraction on phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant properties of the fruit of xylopia aethiopica (Dunal A Rich). Trends Phytochem. Res. 2 (2): 97-102.
- Oso B J, Oyeleke M O and Oladiji A. T. 2018. Inhibitors of the Expressions of Splenic TNF-Alpha receptor Superfamily 8, CD3 and CD20 by Ethanolic Extract of Xylopia aethiopica. International Journal of Biological Sciences and Applications. (5): 29-33.
- Oyeleke O. M, Oso B.J., Oteri U.D. and Abey N. (2018). Comparative evaluation of nutritional compositions of Amaranthus cruentus L and amaranthus viridis L. International Research journal of Environmental Sciences. Vol 7 (9) 16-19.
- Oyeleke O. M, Abey N. O, Oso B J, Jackson C. N (2019). Total Protein, Bilirubin and AST Levels in Rat Models Treated with Ethanolic Extract of Eleusine coracana during Arsenic Trioxide induced Hepatotoxicity. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 28(2):1-7.
- Ari-Egoro YE, Ayodele PF, Oyeleke OM. (2019). Effects of Graded Levels of Moringa Olifera leaf-meal in albino Rat diet on some Haematological Parameters. Journal of Anal of Tech Res. 1 (2) 036-042.
- Oladele JO, Oyeleke OM, Oladele OT, Oladiji AT. (2021). Covid-19 treatment: Investigation on the phytochemical constituents of Vernonia amygdalina as potential Coronavirus-2 inhibitors. Computational toxicology. 18. 100161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comtox.2021.100161
- Oladele JO., Oyeleke OM., Olowookere BD., Babatope OD., Olaniyan MD., Akindolie BO., Oladele OT. (2020). Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) modulates nitrobenzene-induced renal damage in rats via suppression of oxido-inflammatory activities. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. DOI: 10.2478/sjecr-2020-0040
- Oladele JO, Ajayi EIO, Oyeleke OM, Oladele OT, Olowookere BD, Adeniyi BM, Oyewole OI, Oladiji AT. (2020). A systematic review on COVID-19 pandemic with special emphasis on Curative potentials of medicinal plants. Heliyon. 6: 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04897
- Oladele JO, Oyeleke OM, Oladele OT, Olowookere BD, Oso BJ, Oladiji AT. (2020). Kolaviron (kolaflavanone), apigenin, fisetin as potential coronavirus inhibitors: In silico investigation. Research square preprints. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-51350/v1
- Oladele, JO., Adewale, OO., Oyeleke, OM., Oyewole IO., Salami, MO., Owoade G. (2020). Annona muricata protects against cadmium mediated oxidative damage in brain and liver of rats. Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis. 37 (3): 252-260. DOI:10.5937/afmnai2003252O.
- Oladele JO., Oyeleke OM., Oladele OT. Olaniyan MD. (2020). Neuroprotective mechanism of Vernonia amygdalina in a rat model of neurodegenerative diseases. Toxicology report. 7: 1223 – 1232.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.09.005 - Oladele JO., Olowookere BD., Oyeleke OM., Oladele OT. (2020) Safety evaluation of Picralima nitida (Akuamma) seed extract on hepatorenal and haematological systems of rats. J Med Healthcare. 2(3): 1-6
- Oladele JO, Ajayi EIO, Oyeleke OM, Oladele OT, Olowookere BD, Adeniyi BM, Oyewole OI (2020). Curative potentials of Nigerian medicinal plants in COVID-19 treatment: A Mechanistic approach. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. 13: 681-700.
- Oladele JO., Oyeleke OM., Awosanya OO., Olowookere BD., Oladele OT. (2020). Fluted Pumpkin (Telfaira occidentalis) protects against phenyl hydrazine-induced anaemia in rats. Advances in Traditional Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13596-020-00499-7 .
- Oladele JO, Bamigboye MO, Olowookere BD, Oyeleke OM, Anyim JC, Oladele KS, Oyewole IO. (2020). Identification of bioactive chemical constituents present in the aqueous extract of Telfairia occidentalis and its in vitro antioxidant activities. Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine. 4(2): 1-10. DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000237
- Oladele J.O., Oyeleke O.M., Oladele O.T., Babatope O.D., Awosanya O.O. (2020). Nitrobenzene-induced hormonal disruption, alteration of steroidogenic pathway, and oxidative damage in rat: protective effects of Vernonia amygdalina. Clinical Phytoscience. 6: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40816-020-00161-4.
- Oladele J.O., Oladele O.T., Ademiluyi A.O., Oyeleke O.M., Awosanya O.O., Oyewole O.I. (2020). Chaya (Jatropha tanjorensis) leafs protect against sodium benzoate mediated renal dysfunction and hepatic damage in rats. Clinical Phytoscience. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40816-020-00160-5
- Oladele JO, Adewale OO, Oyewole OI, Oyeleke OM, Ilori OT, and Olayinka OE. (2020). Modulatory Effects of Vitamin C and E on Cypermethrin-Induced Cardiac and Hepatic Damage in Female Wistar Rats. Advances in Clinical Toxicology. 5 (1): 1-7. DOI: 10.23880/act-6000182
- Oladele, J.O., Oyeleke, O.M., Awosanya, O.O., Oladele, T.O. (2020). Effect of Curcuma longa (Turmeric) Against Potassium Bromate-induced Cardiac Oxidative Damage, Hematological and Lipid Profile Alterations in Rats. Singapore Journal of Scientific Research, 10: 8-15. 10.3923/sjsres.2020.8.15
- Oladele, JO., Oyeleke, OM., Oyewole, OI., Adewale, OO., Gbolagbade A. (2020). Assessment of the protective effects of vitamin C and E on Cypermethrin-induced nephrotoxicity and electrolyte imbalance in wistar rats. J. Basic and Appli. Res. Biomed. 6(1):1-6.
- Oladele JO., Oyeleke OM., Akindolie BO., Olowookere BD., Oladele OT. (2020). Vernonia amygdalina abates oxidative hepatic damage and inflammation associated with nitrobenzene in rat. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. (accepted)