About The Event
OSUN State Government is running an idenpendence essay competition. The Essay is open to both Secondary and Tertiary School Students.
The Topic For Tertiary Students:
“Unveiling the security architecture and daunting challenges in all the geopolitical zones of Nigeria and proffer working solutions towards a peaceful, sustainable and indivisible Nigeria“
Who Can Submit Entries for Osun State Government Essay Competition
- Submissions are open to students who are either citizens of Osun State or residents in Osun State.
How to Participate in Osun State Government Essay Competition
- The essay must not be less than 1,200 words for Secondary School Students and not less than 1,800 words for Tertiary Institution Students.
- Entries must be submitted as attachments in Microsoft Word or PDF format ONLY
- Detailed information of the entrants should be included at the beginning of the essay which must include, name contact address, name of school or institution, email address, phone number.
- All entrants must attach their Local Government Identification Certificate and School Identity Card.
- The deadline for the submission of all entries is Tuesday, 31st of August
Students are encouraged to participate