Dr. Ojuederie Omena Bernard
January 10, 2022 2022-01-14 9:55Dr. Ojuederie Omena Bernard

Head, Department of Biological Sciences.
Dr. Ojuederie Omena Bernard
Department: Biological Sciences
Faculty:Â Science
Academic Staff
Dr. Ojuederie, Omena Bernard is the Ag. Head, Department of Biological Sciences, Kings University. He graduated from the University of Benin with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Microbiology and obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in plant genetics from the University of Ibadan.
He is a Professional Natural Scientist of the Republic of South Africa (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions), and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Underutilised Legumes. He has research expertise in plant genetics and biotechnology.
Dr. Ojuederie currently serves as the Chief Examiner of the Department of Biological Sciences, and in several University committees which includes Member Business Committee of Senate, Member Committee on Transfer Students, Member Curriculum Review Committee, and Member Committee on Internally Generated Revenue. He is a grantee of the International Foundation for Science (IFS) Sweden and also serves as a reviewer to several peer-reviewed international journals.
Areas of Expertise
- Genetics
 - Plant Tissue Culture
  - Biotechnology
  - Microbiology
  - Genomics, Metagenomics and Proteomics
Research Interest
- Genetic diversity assessment of underutilised crops of economic value especially African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) and Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) using molecular markers and modern technologies.
- Utilisation and production of African yam bean especially its edible tubers for food and nutrition security in Africa.
- Abiotic stress tolerance in agricultural cropsÂ
- Biodiversity assessment and phylogenetic studies on medicinal and underutilised crops
- Plant-microbe interactions
Awards & Honours
- International Foundation for Science (IFS) Awardee (Grant No: C/5250-1) Title Assessment of Genetic diversity in African Yam Bean Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst. Ex. A. Rich.)Â Harms. Germplasm (2012-2014) Role: Principal Investigator. 2012-2014)
- Postdoctoral Fellow of the Food Security and Safety Niche Area of the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences North-West University, South Africa (2017-2020)